Post an Item to the BPI Networking List
Use this form to submit a post to the NetList. Fields marked with a * are required fields.
This service is available to anyone, and does not require a membership or password to post.
These messages may be forwarded on by recipients. They should not be considered confidential. Postings should be psychotherapy related.
AGAIN — Remember that these messages are not confidential and that you are responsible for your message content. Occasionally spam or inapproriate content may appear. BPI provides this service free of charge and is not responsible for content, errors or omissions. We cannot guartentee that your message will be included on the night it is posted. We may be unable to access a computer in order to approve postings for any given night.
We also reserve the right to refuse the inclusion of any message at our sole discretion. The box labeled "URL" is the link to a web page if you have one. (Our automated program requires a link here, so no-entry will default to the BPI web site address.) For your URL link, you might consider creating an expanded BPI Therapist Directory page to use there. It's only $150.00, and is a one time fee. Your membership helps us to create and expand this site and to promote you. (Click here to join or expand your listing)
Note: We require your name and a valid email address below. Information from the "URL" and "Email" boxes below will be included prominently in the message. Don't try to embed HTML, or copy and paste complex coding, multiple fonts, or colors into the "Content" box. (Just Use Text.) It is possible to type links and email addresses in the content box, but irregularities will cause unexpected results.
Double check your entry. Some kinds of errors will invalidate your posting, causing it to be discarded. Some common mistakes are to have "http://" included twice - or to have three hash marks, ///, instead of two - The BPI Daily-Digest is based on an RSS feed and it can be touchy about symbols and input other than standard text. We do not maintain an archive, so past postings cannot be retrieved later.
If you need to make a change, delete, or edit - If a posting has not yet gone out, it is possible that it can be removed or altered by the moderator, but only if you reach us in a timely manner (call or email BPI). BPI cannot guarentee such changes.
(Click here to sign-up for our basic, or expanded, BPI Therapist's Directory listing).
And remember to post your events with specific dates (for free) on our Community Calendar.