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BPI Workshops for Therapists
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AEP Master Classes
We have recently put together Master Classes for all six AEP Training Modules. Each class is password protected and is available only to students who are currently taking or who have previously taken the class. The passwords will be changed periodically. Your agreement is not to give out the passwords to people who are not authorized to view this material. Ask your instructor or call the BPI office (303 494 0393) to get the password for a Master Class.
Master Classes provide a review of class material and/or allow you to catch up in case you miss a class. They include Master Videos of lectures, slides relevant to the lectures, demonstration videos and clips, and written material useful to each particular training module. Demonstration videos and clips require an additional password because of the sensitive nature of this material. Your agreement is not to share the passwords to demonstration videos and clips with anyone who is not in your class and to hold this material strictly confidential in the same way that you would hold client sessions confidential.
Books, chapters, articles, and papers are not password protected, but should be used only as prescribed by copyright laws. This means they can be downloaded for your personal educational use, but you should not make and/or distribute multiple copies. The class slides are designed to accompany the Master Videos. Please feel free to download and print pdfs of slides for your personal use. Please do not make multiple copies of slides or use them elsewhere without permission, as they are copyright protected.
Coaching in a New Key: An Applied Existential Approach
Sat, Oct 18 - Sat, Dec 19 2026
Betty Cannon, Ph.D. and Robyn Chauvin, M.A.,L.P.C., BPI - 303 494 0393
This class offers a thorough 60-hour certification training in Applied Existential Coaching. At the request of students who took our first class in 2022, we have added much more experiential work and breakout practice so that you leave with a thorough grounding in basic principles and interventions.
If you have found that you like working online and would like to add coaching to your repertoire, this may be the class for you. Unlike therapy, which is limited by state laws, coaching can be done across state lines or actually anywhere in the world. But it is important to know the difference and to have training in coaching if you are going to do this legally and ethically. The training we are offering is an in-depth approach to existential coaching. We will talk about principles and techniques, demonstrate them, show examples from videotapes, introduce experiential exercises, and ask you to practice the approach with other students. The workshop offers a thorough grounding in theory and fundamental interventions along with a taste of what existential relational and group coaching look like. Both coaches and therapists are welcome. Participants completing the training will receive a 60-hour Certificate of Study in Applied Existential Coaching.
Module IV: AEP Theory: The Philosophy Behind the Therapy
Date TBA
Betty Cannon, Ph.D. and Robyn Chauvin, M.A.,L.P.C., BPI - 303 494 0393
Applied Existential Psychotherapy, an approach founded by BPI President Dr. Betty Cannon, interlaces the insights of contemporary existential and psychoanalytic approaches with techniques inspired by Gestalt and other experiential therapies. This class explores the theoretical background to AEP, especially its grounding in the existential phenomenology of Jean-Paul Sartre. Sources will include Betty Cannon's book on Sartre and Psychoanalysis along with many articles, videos, and book chapters on existential philosophy and therapy. Demonstration videos and clips, live demonstrations, and experiential exercises provide examples of the importance of theory to practice. This class is an in-depth exploration of AEP principles as they apply to the practice of psychotherapy - and by extension to existential coaching.
Module I: AEP Individual Training
Date TBA
Betty Cannon, Ph.D. and Robyn Chauvin, M.A.,L.P.C., BPI - 303 494 0393
AEP is an experiential therapy that interlaces the insights of contemporary existential and psychoanalytic/psychodynamic approaches with techniques inspired by Gestalt therapy and other experiential approaches. Many psychoanalytic approaches ignore the body, while many experiential approaches fail to take into account defenses, transference and countertransference issues. AEP takes into account the full spectrum of human experience - body, meaning, emotion, the impact of the past, and the choices that need to be made to create a different future. Module I offers intensive experiential training in learning the fundamentals of AEP. In this class, we will learn interventions and skills that allow us to put AEP theory into practice.
Module II: AEP Relational Training
Date TBA
Betty Cannon, Ph.D. and Robyn Chauvin, M.A.,L.P.C., BPI - 303 494 0393
Research shows that couples and relationship counseling is the least effective form of therapy. 
We offer an approach, based in a profound philosophy, that avoids some of the pitfalls of other therapies. Applied Existential Psychotherapy supports and elaborates the conclusion that John Gottman came to through longitudinal research with couples: Facilitation and support for individual and mutual meaning-creation is (or ought to be) at the heart of relational therapy. Using Jean-Paul Sartre's existential phenomenology, we teach you to invite clients to explore the twin poles of human existence: freedom and facticity (the circumstances of our lives) as these impact our relationships and ourselves.
Module III: AEP Group Training
Date TBA
Robyn Chauvin, M.A.,L.P.C. and Betty Cannon, Ph.D., BPI - 303 494 0393
Working with groups is both an art and a science. This workshop combines techniques inspired by Gestalt, existential, psychodynamic, body-oriented and systems approaches to group. We will also add some interventions of our own.Group members observe and experience groups and practice leading the group in a safe learning environment.
Group Therapy is a largely untapped resource for private practice building. It is more cost effective for clients and highly effective as a modality for therapy - if you have the training and experience needed to keep groups going.
This class is both didactic and experiential. You will learn about the principles of group therapy, watch videos and live demonstrations, do exercises designed to increase your skill level, and get an opportunity to co-lead the group.
Module V: AEP Approach to the Body, Character Strategy, and Trauma
Date TBA
Betty Cannon, Ph.D. and Robyn Chauvin, M.A.,L.P.C., BPI - 303 494 0393
AEP works with the lived body to explore ways in which meaning shows up in body stance, movement, gesture, facial expression and voice. We will explore Reichean/bioenergetic approaches to character strategy--looking at the ways in which our ways of living our lives show up in and help fashion our bodies. We will explore various modalities for working with trauma, adding to these an existential perspective on trauma as loss of meaning. We will also focus on integrating work with the body and trauma within a broader therapeutic perspective.
We will pay particular attention to choosing appropriate levels of intervention (body, emotion, meaning) in working with clients with different character strategies. We will also consider the question of when cathartic work is appropriate and when it is not - a question that students studying trauma approaches frequently ask.
Module VI: The Dream as an Existential Message: An AEP Approach
Date TBA
Betty Cannon, Ph.D. and Robyn Chauvin, M.A.,L.P.C., BPI - 303 494 0393
This training provides practitioners with hands-on experience working with their personal dreams and facilitating others's dreams. We will demonstrate dream work and review the AEP dream process as well as coach participants in facilitating one another's dreams. Professional issues in dream work are discussed alongside the existential, personal, and transpersonal scope of the dream. We will explore various creative approaches in working with dreams.