Boulder Psychotherapy Institute

Advanced Training in Applied Existential Psychotherapy (AEP) — since 1989

An Experiential Psychodynamic Gestalt Approach   •   Boulder, Colorado

Referral Directory Search Results

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Dr. Donald M. Kaesser, Ph.D.

2306 Ingersoll Ave.
Des Moines, IOwa 50309

phone: 515-240-7997

30 Years experience in 'talk therapy'. 5 years in Bottom Up Therapy


Kathy Decker Kahn, M.A., L.P.C., C.A.C. II

Divorce Rebuilders
50 S. Steele St. Suite 950
Denver, CO 80209

phone: (303) 9003181

I want to support you on your journey. I have a deep appreciation for one's own rhythm and timing when taking steps toward change. Within the context of a supportive therapeutic relationship, we will work together to develop insight, understanding, and most importantly, lasting, meaningful change for you or your couple. I offer psychotherapy for a range of issues including emotional difficulties, relationship issues, major life events, mental health concerns, or everyday stress, we will work together to meet your goals, obtain relief, and enrich your life. I offer support to both individuals and couples in addition to offering a Divorce Support classes each quarter


Kathy Kahn, M.A.

Denver Rebuilders

phone: (303) 9003181

Offering 10 week Divorce Support classes each quarter in South Denver


Gretchen Kahre, L.P.C.

105 Wells St.
Erie, CO 80516

phone: 303-818-8357

Gretchen has been practicing psychotherapy since 1990 in the Boulder/ Erie area. She specializes in working with transitions - menopause in particular. Gretchen received her MA in Contemplative Psychotherapy from Naropa University in 1989 and works from the basic view that as human beings we are fundamentally sane and our confusion is temporary. She is steeped in both Contemplative and Psychodynamic approaches in talk therapy. She also runs consultation groups for professionals.


Lance Allan Kair

Agency Matters Mental Health

phone: 720-487-9082

Something has changed. You can’t put your finger on it, but its very unsettling. I provided compassionate depth counseling in cooperation with ACT and DBT modalities. Specializing in Life transitions and work issues. CAMS certified, counseling, dreamwork. Anxiety, depression, suicidality (CAMS certified), bipolar.


Chris Kalamon, L.C.S.W.

777 S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Lakewood, CO 80226

phone: 303 257 7991

My practice is devoted to adults and organizations that have a deep seated need to leverage purpose, creativity and innovation for long-term success. My unique therapy style is informed by two decades as a business professional.


Jeremy Kalan, CPCC

Center for Healing and Transformation
2210 Grape Ave
Boulder, CO 80304

phone: 720-420-9094

Jeremy empowers people to discover their unique purpose in life and to transform all that is blocking them from feeling confident, clear, passionate and excited about who they are and their work in the world. He guides his clients to accept, love, and respect all of themselves so they feel vibrantly alive and free to give their life-enhancing gift to our world. He often works with adults who feel lost, bored, unfulfilled, anxious, or trapped in their career or life. Jeremy skillfully integrates Life Purpose Coaching, Internal Family Systems Therapy, and nature-based Soul Guiding in his 1 on 1 sessions and Group Facilitation.

Specialties: Life Purpose, Quarter/Mid-Life Crisis, Self-Love and Wholeness, Heal Inner Child and transform deepest wounds into gifts, Deep connection to Nature and Soul


Stuart Kaplowitz

Stuart Kaplowitz, MFT
12530 10th st
Chino, California 91710

phone: 909-5763889

•As a therapist, I enhance communication and relationships. Whether it is with your significant other, a loved-one, family member, child, co-worker, boss, or just plain enhancing you; I will help you find and develop the relationships you want. •Address the issues that keep coming up in your life. •Get your wants and needs met. •Learn how you may be sabotaging your efforts •Use your strengths as tools to help you succeed. •In Individual counseling, Couples counseling, Family Counseling


Emily Kaptein, MFT, M.S.

Dynamic Healing, LLC
1017 E South Boulder Road Suite G.
Louisville, CO 80027

phone: (720)749-5346

I have a Master's degree in Couples and Family Therapy from the University of Oregon and have worked with individuals, couples, families, and groups in community mental health, eating disorder treatment, and private practice settings. My specializations include couple and family relationship issues, eating disorders and disordered eating, low self-esteem and body image, trauma healing, and anxiety disorders. I am a dedicated therapist who enjoys working with clients who are motivated to have a healthy relationship with themselves and others. I work from a collaborative, client-centered, and systemic orientation and am trained in the most up-to-date evidence-based approaches.


Johanna Karasik, M.A., L.P.C.
10465 Melody Dr
Northglenn, CO 80234

I believe you are the expert in your experience, even when everything feels confusing & difficult. Together we create a safe space for you to process, grow, & achieve your goals. I collaborate with you to understand your struggles, challenges, strengths, and values to help you make the positive changes in your life that you desire.

I see clients in Northglenn and also virtually across Colorado for Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) and/or therapeutic counseling (“talk therapy). I work with individual adults 18+ (typically 20s-50s) to find relief, healing and growth from anxiety, trauma, grief/loss, and more.

Visit for more info and to schedule a free confidential phone consultation.


Teri Karjala, L.P.C., C.A.C. II

Creative Counseling Center LLC
12101 E. 2nd Ave. Suite 201B
Aurora, CO 80011

phone: 720 338 9628

I provide counseling services to children (2+), adolescents, and adults specializing in childhood trauma including physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and witnessing domestic violence.

My approach is supportive, warm, and collaborative. I believe that the client/counselor relationship is crucial in the therapeutic process. I am integrative in approach as I believe that no single therapy is beneficial for everyone. I use various counseling theories and techniques to treat the "whole" person. Depending on your goals in therapy I may draw from, experiential, cognitive behavioral therapy, humanistic, and/or systemic approaches. In working with children I primarily use play therapy techniques.


Barbara Marie Karlsen, R.N., M.A.


phone: 720 9983571

Barbara Karlsen is a nurse as well as a registered somatic psychotherapist. Overall she has twenty- four years of experience promoting health and wellness in various traditional and nontraditional settings. She describes her theoretical orientation as integrative, body-centered, relational and holistic. She has a systems –oriented philosophy that informs her therapeutic model and approach. She especially enjoys working experientially with dance and movement to support transformation on all levels; emotional, physical, cognitive, energetic and spiritual. She also has experience with DBT


Dai Kato

The SMART Therapy Center

The theory of SMART is based on the research that thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations are interacting. SMART therapeutic perspective believes neurobiological linkage between behavior, thoughts, emotion, and sensation. SMART's comprehensive perspective sees that the roots of behavior start from the nervous system, which transmits neurons through synaptic space and send signals as a bodily sensation using neuromuscular (the meeting place of a nerve and a muscle fiber), which interprets into emotions, emotions generates thoughts and thoughts activate behaviors. SMART is an etiological treatment on the unbroken chain of humans' behavior from intervening nerve system and neuromuscular using Static Movement treatment


Eve Katz, M.A., L.P.C.

Boulder Short-Term Psychotherapy

phone: (303) 499-1223

Counseling and psychotherapy in Boulder.


Eve D Katz, L.P.C.

Eve Katz, MA, LPC, CN

phone: 303 499-1223

Psychotherapy and nutrition

Imagine talking to someone who shows you how your problems are really the seeds from which solutions grow.

What I offer is much more than the practice of conventional talk therapy. It's about tracking and transforming your problems and integrating what you learn in therapy into your daily life.

Together we explore the two stages of psychotherapy:
 Giving voice to your sad and tragic tale, and
 Transforming your story to the voice of the hero.

You become the hero of your own story.

Free consultation available. Boulder.


Rachel Katz, PT, SEP

phone: 303-875-7878

Rachel Katz,PT,SEP is a specialist in pain relief especially in complex situations. She brings Physical Therapy together with deep knowledge of how trauma, car accident injuries, surgeries, attachment and development issues may impact your body, life and health. Rachel has developed a unique system for pain resolution using gentle, specific, touch therapy to restore normal muscle and joint action, exercise and movement retraining , and supportive dialogue for your process. “These techniques add a whole other dimension, depth and accessibility to facilitation of healing.” Veronique Mead, MD, MA, SEP. Rachel is focused on getting successful results even in the toughest of situations. In fact, over 75% of her clients achieve the results they seek even though at least 57% have had great physical or emotional harm.


Christa Kay, M.A.

CK Counseling, LLC

phone: 303-669-9698

Home Based Therapy for Children, Adolescents, and Adults. Specializing in Behavior issues, Divorce, ADD/ADHD, Grief and Loss, Parenting, Depression, Generalized Anxiety, as well as other mental health issues.


Kristine E Kaye, CCHt

Transitions Counseling and Hypnotherapy
1800 30th Street, Stuite 222B
Boulder, CO 80301

phone: 303-589-2884

My practice is client centered. We’re partners in the process of redirecting the subconscious to replace outdated beliefs or unwanted sensations with those that reflect the goals and desires of one’s current life. Hypnotherapy is highly successful in shifting the mind’s sensory input to alleviate pain and other physical and emotional conditions. You will experience an amazing shift in habits, understanding, and beliefs.
Certified in Pain Releif and Past Life Regression. Connect your mind, body, and spirit using the powerful tool of your subconscious mind!

Heal yourself! Use the power of your mind!

Become fully alive with hypnosis


Emily Kean, Ph.D.

1314 Main St., Suite 200
Louisville, CO 80027

phone: 303-868-2058

Clinical Child Psychologist

Individual Assessment and Psychotherapy

Educational Evaluations (e.g., Learning Disabilties, ADHD, Giftedness, Developmental Concerns)

Psychological Testing

Parenting Consultation


Ben Keating

phone: 303-351-2513

Bringing a unique & colorful range of education and work experience, I am a mission-driven, lifelong advocate of egalitarian psychiatric rehabilitation. I use techniques, philosophies, and practices from around the world along with common sense from years of working in many different roles to provide clients with personalized and nuanced psychotherapy. I help people move toward their own "self-actualization", wherever they may be. I have worked with people experiencing severe mental illness, people working through criminal sentencing, and the general population. I keep a meditation practice and offer therapy-integrated and/or standalone certified mindfulness/meditation instruction. I have an innate capacity to see and connect with people struggling in difficult places; I meet and understand people no matter who or where they are in life.


Kristin Keating, L.C.S.W.

885 Arapahoe Avenue
Boulder, CO 80302

phone: 720-371-2231

Hi, I'm a psychotherapist in private practice serving adults & teens for over 15 years. My therapy dog, Congo has been with me for 9 of those years. We work together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment for you to grow into your happiest, healthiest, most authentic self.

Besides offering support and unconditional acceptance of where you may be in your life in the present, I employ various experiential techniques designed to support and lift you on your journey forward.

I have been continuously delighted and amazed at how well EMDR and Brainspotting work to achieve these ends. My clients have thanked me over and over for changing their lives (see testimonials on my website, but I give great thanks to the genius of the protocols of EMDR.

I offer a free 15 minute phone consultation: 720-371-2231


Kathleen Keelan, L.P.C.

phone: 303-521-5427

Do you know someone who can use help with a bullying issue at work or at school? Are you a victim of bullying behavior? Do you suffer from bystander guilt? In my practice I work with individuals on a wide range of issues, however, I specialize in preventing the bullying dynamic at work and at school. Because I am a nationally recognized speaker and author on this topic, I am comfortable dealing with it from all angles including speaking to schools. I am an adjunct professor for Adams State and I teach on topics that are of particular interest to me including bullying, cyberbullying, self esteem and communication.


Beth Levin Kelley, L.P.C.

1355 South Colorado Blvd C-100
Denver, CO 80222

phone: 303-756-9052 x 131

My role as a counselor is to help you feel empowered. Together, we focus awareness on the things that aren't working in your life, so that you can decide what you want to change and what you don't. Therapy is a process that combines curiosity, exploration, and problem solving to create awareness for desired change. That change might come in the form of reduced anxiety and stress, mourning the loss of a loved one, or coping with disappointing relationships. My job is to give you tools to fill your toolbox, so that you have the resources necessary to manage life. My style of therapy is direct and engaging. I also use gentle humor when appropriate. I rely on a variety of professional techniques, including evidence–based therapies like EMDR, and CBT. Together, we will choose an approach that fits your needs,and builds inner resources.


Colin Kelley

Private Holistic Psychotherapy

phone: 650 796-8106

My name is Colin Kelley. I have recently graduated from CU and am now looking to join the contemplative counseling program at Naropa. I have spent hundreds of hours researching and reading about holistic practice and mindfulness and have helped many people find insights into the nature of their sufferings. I have been in group and individual therapy myself and have learned much from these experiences that I can bring to you. Due to my lack of credentials I cannot possibly charge a high price, and in fact I would be happy to help you for only $10 an hour. I specialize in pain reduction from a largely body approach but will work with you to better your PTSD, addiction, or anything really. Give it a try! First session is completely free!


Olivia Kelly

7001 Hansell Rd
Plano, TX 75024

phone: 469-585-1419

Professional, licensed head of school and emerging LPC-A


Patricia M. Kelly, L.P.C.

287 Century Circle, #100
Louisville, CO 80027

phone: 303-449-9264

I have provided skillful, compassionate care to children, families and individuals for over 20 years. I have trained extensively in play therapy, trauma treatment, grief and loss, adoption and parenting. I offer modalities that include EMDR and Brainspotting. In today's world of speed and aggression, mindfulness has become a way to help my clients find deep calm and clarity. Consulting with parents on issues related to their specific child and developmental stage is of particular interest. I offer a free initial 1/2 hour session as a way to assess if my style and approach would be of benefit to you.

I also provide consultation and clinical supervision.


Mary Kelly-Williams

Challenging Transitions

phone: 303-594-5240

Psychotherapist with specialization in marriage and family. Individual, couples, divorce, remarriage and working with the challenges of the "blended" family.


Kate Kendrick, M.A.

2475 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80503

phone: 303-485-9428

One-on-one sessions, relationship/communication coaching, compassionate communication training for deep personal and relational healing. I specialize in relationship/communication issues, women's issues, spiritual growth and life transitions. I have extensive training in Nonviolent Communication™, Spiritual Psychology, Inner Relationship Focusing, Mediation, peacemaking circles and meditation/spirituality and body awareness practices.


Tracy Kenline, L.C.S.W.

740 Burbank St.
Broomfield, CO 80304-2843

phone: 720 4957741

I am an LCSW with a practice based in Broomfield. I work with children, teens, adults. The bulk of my clientele are children and teens dealing with divorce, anxiety, and depression. I also work closely with parents of my clients around parenting education and support. I have been in practice for 13 years.


Brett Kennedy, Psy.D.

Brett P. Kennedy, Psy.D. Psychotherapy, PLLC
2299 Pearl Street SUITE 310
Boulder, Co 80302

phone: 7204431889

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I have over 20 years of clinical experience treating adults, adolescents, and couples with specialties in men's health, eating and exercise disorders, and anxiety management. The mind/body connection to health and wellness cannot be ignored and I have been fortunate to build a diverse clinical practice where this relationship can be explored and healed through psychotherapy.

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J. Ryan Kennedy, R.N., M.A., L.P.C., L.M.F.T., C.A.C. III

Denver Psychotherapy, LLC
190 East 9th Avenue, Suite #290
Denver, CO 80203-2744

phone: 303-39-9988 x 101

Lorraine Kerr-Atkinson, L.P.C.C

Mountain Light Psychotherapy, LLC
13693 E. Iliff Avenue
Aurora, CO 80014

phone: 720-437-0776

What we see as a problem can be a profound gift from Life. Each time we encounter our pain, our depression, our anxiety or a reoccurring argument with a partner, we are asked to grow, dig deeper, learn new truths or skills, or new ways of perceiving our lives, ourselves, and our loved ones. When we take the time to answer the call that life has given us, we can greatly enrich, deepen, and even heal our lives and ourselves. I believe in providing a safe and sacred space where clients can begin to open to a new experience of themselves using compassion as our guide, our mentor, and our lens. As we open to our experience, the good with the bad, we find that we are more resilient that we thought; we find renewed hope or a deeper sense of meaning as we discover new strengths, insights, or gifts about ourselves and our lives.


Maggie (Margaret) E Kerrigan, M.A., L.P.C.

Healing After Trauma
1333 W. 120th Ave., Ste 222
Westminster, CO 80234

phone: 720 635 7943

Have you already seen medical professionals or therapists to help recover from an accident, war, medical procedure, assault or childhood abuse, and you still don't feel significantly better? Does it seem as though you are: * Anxious after recurring nightmares? * Suffering from PTSD due to war? * Terrified that you will have another accident? * Tired of swinging between angry outbursts and going numb? * Depressed because you feel like damaged goods after a trauma? * Exhausted from dealing with digestive problems, migraines, and chronic pain which medicines don't seem to help? With 20 yrs of experience in the field of trauma, Maggie uses body-centered approaches of Somatic Experiencing and Hakomi to heal the wounds of trauma and resulting relationship difficulties. To learn more visit


Lauren Heller Kerstein, L.C.S.W.

Lauren H. Kerstein LCSW, P.C.

phone: 303.284.3603

Lauren H. Kerstein, LCSW has been working with children through adults for over a decade. Ms. Kerstein specializes in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and particularly Asperger’s Syndrome. Ms. Kerstein has authored books and chapters regarding sensory integration and emotions; Asperger’s Syndrome; and sibling work with children with ASD.


Jasmyne Kettwick, M.A.

Creative Counseling Center
6021 S Syracuse Way Suite 216
Greenwood Village, co 80111

phone: 303.843.6000

Jasmyne Kettwick, MA, MFTI, Registered Psychotherapist, received her Master of Arts in Martial and Family Therapy from the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University in San Diego, CA. Jasmyne specializes in working with children, teens and their families in individual, family and group settings. Expressive Arts and Play Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Structural Therapy are areas in which she has received extensive training. In addition to her work as a therapist, Jasmyne has a professional background in the arts.

Jasmyne works with the client’s strengths in a client centered approach. She uses a variety of therapeutic methods including expressive arts therapy, relaxation and behavior modification. She sees therapy as a collaborative process and enjoys helping clients achieve their goals.


Eve Kilmer, Ph.D.

4770 Baseline Road, Suite 315
Boulder, CO 80303

phone: 303-995-9922

As a solution-focused therapist, my goal is to help you uncover your true potential and lead a life that is worth celebrating. While we can't change difficult situations of the past, we can work together to better understand and resolve challenges in your life. By applying complementary therapy approaches and techniques, we will unearth long-standing behavior patterns or negative perceptions that may be holding you back from experiencing a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

If you're looking for extra support and guidance through a challenging situation or you're just ready to move in a new direction in your life, I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals. For more information, please visit my website,

Please call me at 303-995-9922 for a free 15 minute individual or couples therapy consultation today.


Mark E. Kilmer, Ph.D.

5377 Manhattan Circle, Suite 201
Boulder, CO 80303

phone: 303-995-1188

I am a licensed clinical psychologist providing individual therapy and psychological assessment for children, families and adults. My office is located with the Colorado Psychiatric Group and our offices are conveniently located less than a mile from Highway 36.

In addition, I am a certified Child and Family Investigator. As a CFI, it is my job to investigate parenting roles and make recommendations based on the best-interests of the children. I provide impartial, objective and comprehensive reports for families throughout Colorado.

Please visit my website at to learn about my background, my treatment philosophy, the services I provide, and more.


Mark E. Kilmer, PhD, Ph.D.

Kilmer Psychology Group, PC
5377 Manhattan Cir Ste 201
Boulder, Colorado 80303

phone: 303-995-1188

Perform forensic psychology services. Specialize in Child Family Investigations (CFI) and Parental Responsibilities Evaluations (PRE) for the Colorado District Courts. Work product reviews and rebuttals available. Have performed over 450 CFI/PREs in Colorado.


Kyungah Kim, M.A., L.P.C.

Lionheart Therapy, LLC
7325 S. Pierce St. Suite 101
Littleton, CO 80128

phone: 720-588-3101

I believe in the power of collaboration in a safe and supportive environment for any types of healing work. My focus is on creating a healthy relationship with you in which you can relearn how to create a more satisfying relationships in your life. The biggest reward of my work comes when I see my clients living their lives with a sense of connection to others and themselves. I am a trauma-informed therapist who works with adult individuals. I am experienced in helping childhood sexual abuse survivors, domestic violence victims, and those who are struggling with a variety of relationship issues. My therapy approaches include mindfulness, DBT, EMDR, etc. My counseling services are offered in English as well as in Korean. Please visit my website and contact me at for further information.


Arica Ellen King, M.S.

Heart-Centered Counseling of Colorado

phone: 720 327-7766

Arica at Heart-Centered Counseling of Colorado offers Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy (HCH) as taught at The Wellness Institute in Issaquah, WA. HCH is an incredible transpersonal (body, mind and spirit) tool for healing limiting subconscious beliefs, self-esteem, inner child, and many other issues affecting our lives. It is so powerful that few clients need more than two 1.5 to 2-hour money back guaranteed sessions. Other approaches such as the Stress Elimination Technique (SET) are also used as appropriate for rapid, permanent healing. Focus also includes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT, transgender especially) issues. Experience also includes Higher Alignment relationship coaching, Radical Forgiveness, Breath Work, PSYCH-K, non-violent communications, Reiki Master, and metaphysics consultation. Denver metro area service.


Kate King, M.A.

Art Therapy & Psychotherapy
190 E. 9th Ave #470
Denver, CO 80203

I am an art therapist and psychotherapist in Denver. I work with children, adolescents, and adults in cultivating optimal mental, physical, and spiritual health. I work with individuals who struggle with eating disorders and body image; anxiety, depression, and mood volatility; grief, loss, and bereavement; relationship challenges and social issues; extreme stress and overwhelm; fears, barriers, and difficult life transitions; past traumas and difficult life situations; personal growth, balance, and optimal wellness; confidence building and empowerment, and more!

I believe in the inherent strength and wholeness in each individual, and my therapeutic goal is to help my clients find and utilize their inner resources to create a life filled with health, growth, and balance.



Kathy Kinskey, M.A., L.P.C.

Attachment & Bonding Network

phone: 303 443 1220

19 + years of counseling experience. Work with hospice, adoption and health education & fitness for chilren & adults.


Tracey Kirschner

Naropa University Graduate Student


Lisa Kish-Pittman

1400 W 122nd Ste 140
Westminster, CO 80234

phone: 720-800-9397

I specialize in grief and anticipatory grief work with children and families, often in the context of medical complexities that persist as chronic conditions, sometimes moving towards end of life. I have experience in both adult and pediatric Palliative Care and Hospice environments which inform my practice. I also enjoy work with children and families going through adjustment periods or life transitions. Defining what quality of life means and how to get there is key in my work with clients.


Elizabeth M. Klaers, MSW, LSW

phone: (720) 446-6706

As a Licensed Social Worker (LSW,) I am a strength based, systematically minded clinician integrating mindfulness and body awareness practices with grief counseling, trauma informed care, family therapy and child play therapy.

Specializing in working with adult women (20's/30's); emerging adults; young children (2-12yrs) and their families.

My approach is to work collaboratively with my clients - together we build a trusting and safe enough environment to explore, make discoveries and integrate new ways of living life and being in the world.

Please call for a free initial consultation.


Sarah Klein, L.P.C.C

Open Mind Holistics
2924 Sagebrush Dr.
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525

phone: 970-300-3421

Sarah Klein, MA, LPCC is an art therapist and transpersonal counselor practicing in the Fort Collins area. She has her masters degree from Naropa University in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology: Art Therapy. Sarah specializes in working with trauma, grief, and transitions, and she is currently accepting new art therapy clients!

Check out her webpage at


Kim Kluger-Bell, L.M.F.T.

2769 Iris Ave. Suite 110
Boulder, Co 80302

phone: 303 517 3702

I am a licensed psychotherapist with a specialty in reproductive traumas, which includes pregnancy loss, infertility, third party reproduction (egg and sperm donation), adoption and pregnancy terminations. I am the author of "Unspeakable Losses: Healing from Pregnancy Loss" published by WW Norton and HarperCollins.I have worked for many years as a consultant for a number of fertility clinics where I have screened donors and counseled patients preparing for donor IUI and IVF procedures.I can help you cope with the stress of fertility treatments or pregnancy loss as you decide how best to build your family or remain child-free. I can also help you cope with a high risk pregnancy,traumatic births, post-partum depression talking to children about how they were conceived.


Ashley Knobbs, M.A.

Guided Balance Counseling
2855 North Speer Blvd
denver, co 80211

phone: 3039418046

I believe obstacles are meant for conquering, difficult times are meant for lessons and everyone has their very own YOUnique journey. My passion is helping guide my clients to their inner strength, their personal best and their freedom to be content. I specialize in couples/family work with an emphasis on sex therapy, infertility, parenthood and divorce. I also have experience working with teens facing addictions such as substance abuse, eating disorders and self-harming. Identity exploration & self-awareness are key components to all my work with clients as well. I respect the courage & vulnerability it takes to choose counseling & hope to create a safe environment that allows clients to trust in the experience. I offer free phone consultations to determine if we would be a good fit & a limited number of reduced fee slots based on financial difficulties.


Andrew Koch

Contemplative Caregiver LLC
4710 Table Mesa Drive Suite Two
Boulder, Colorado 80305

phone: 720-776-9924

Contemplative Caregiver LLC offers mental health support for family and professional caregivers and care organizations facing burnout and systemic stress by utilizing mindfulness-based, strength-focused therapy and caregiver coaching strategies. Services are accessible via office, telehealth, and outdoor sessions, with flexible payment options, including a sliding scale. We enhance caregiver support with referrals and enrich professional development through CEU-accredited workshops and retreats, fostering balance, resilience, and hope.

Join Us Today at


Sharon Kocina, M.A., L.P.C.

Boulder, Longmont, north metro Denver area; home-based services
5412 Idylwild Trail, Ste. 113
Boulder, CO 80301

phone: 303 444 2003

My passion is helping my clients suffering from PTSD, struggling with life transitions, or frustrated in their relationships. Brainspotting & EFT are powerful tools to free you to live the life you want without the baggage from the past. Clients say that therapy with me helps them feel empowered. I help people connect/reconnect with their resilience and heal through to wholeness.

Brainspotting is a treatment for breaking out of "stuck" patterns. I offer it as an adjunct for therapists who would like to have this effective, non-verbal therapy for their clients but are not trained in it.

I offer Clinical Supervision for therapists working toward licensure (LPC & LMFT), Brainspotting Consultation groups, and individual Brainspotting supervision.

Call me at 303-444-2003 to schedule an appt. or go to for more info.


Tina Koebel

1800 30th street, suite 207
boulder, co 80301

massage therapist


Chloe Koeffler, Psy.D.

2919 Valmont Road Suite 206
Boulder, CO 80301

phone: 720-249-4446

I am a Psychologist Candidate in Boulder providing therapy services to adults. My areas of expertise include depression, anxiety, trauma, and OCD. I also provide specialized services to professionals around themes such coping with the pressure for results-driven achievement, unsatisfactory work-life balance and competing demands, and difficult interpersonal workplace dynamics. My approach is integrative and I draw from empirically supported therapies, primarily ACT, DBT, CBT, and MI. My practice is inclusive and I welcome folks from all cultural backgrounds, genders, and sexual orientations.


Lisa Koets, M.A., RPT

Live Well Counseling Service LLC
16 Mountain View Ave
Longmont, CO 80501

phone: 303-717-8820

I work mainly with women and teens (16 and up). My specialties are grief, loss, relationship issues, issues of self-acceptance worth, past abuse, past adoption and abortion, as well as anxiety and depression.


Sam Kohlenberg

Capitol Hill Counseling Center
90 East 9th Avenue, Suite #220
Denver, CO 80203

phone: 720-775-7077

Sam Kohlenberg, Registered Psychotherapist: Heavily influenced by the teachings and ideas of Annemarie Roeper, Sam specializes in working with gifted teens and adults. He offers a free first session, and a sliding scale for those who qualify. Member APA, ACA. Please go to for more information. Thanks.


Pamela Kohll, M.S., L.P.C.

Boulder Center of Sexual Treatment and Recovery
900 Arapahoe Ave.
Boulder, Colorado 80302

phone: 303.817.7424

I specialize in treating people who have sex and love addiction and compulsions. I have 13 years of experience in human sexuality, 7 specifically as a therapist providing recovery work for sex and love addiction. I also work with partners of addicts who have their own painful journey from the fallout of the addict's disclosure, the broken trust, shame,and codependency that surfaces from their relationship to the addict.I provide a reliable,responsible and time tested recovery method where people can turn their problematic sexual behaviors from destructive unmanageability to healthy, passionate sexuality.


June Konopka, M.S.

4185 47th Street, Unit E
Boulder, CO 80301

phone: (970)227-7823

The main focus of my practice is spiritual counseling. I like to work with individuals who are actively seeking a spiritual awakening, or may simply be feeling a deep longing or emptiness for something that seems to be missing. They are often curious about uncovering what may be blocking the transformation they sense is possible for them. Through mindfulness, presence, and deep acceptance, untrue beliefs are brought into consciousness, and the courage to face the fear of feeling what's being held in the body is found. Space opens up for a fuller spiritual presence. I have been trained and certified as a Hakomi therapist (a body-centered approach to psychotherapy), and have been ordained as an Interfaith/Interspiritual minister through One Spirit Seminary in NYC. All spiritual practices and paths are honored.


Stephanie Konter-O'Hara, L.P.C.

The Kali Institute
2095 West 6th Ave Suite 213
Broomfield, CO 80020

phone: 720-380-3564

Stephanie Konter Counseling, LLC focus is to help young adults and teens resolve their problems with body image concerns, self acceptance and forming healthy relationships and develop a life worth living.


David Koopman, M.A.

Intersection Counseling
2855 N. Speer Blvd., Suite C
Denver, CO 80211

phone: 720-989-5909

I work with people to navigate a path forward towards living a meaningful life. My practice focuses on mood disorders, insomnia treatment, anger issues and the LGBTQ community.


Stephenie Korte, M.A.
1503 Yarmouth Ave.
Boulder, CO 80302

phone: 720-295-5236

Clients often know the changes they want to make on a cognitive level but sometimes that isn't enough. Engaging the body during the therapy process can help things move and get unstuck.

I support clients using an integrative somatic (body-centered) approach which often incorporates healthy relationship boundaries, mindfulness, self-regulation and other tools. Somatic psychotherapy is simple, powerful work that can help you connect with your inner strength and wisdom.

I offer individual counseling sessions for adults, adolescents and older children (tweens) in Boulder, CO. Supporting clients with presence, compassion and authenticity, I empower clients to discover and develop their own innate strengths and abilities to create a life they love.

Are you ready to get unstuck? Let's begin together.


Lena Kotani, B.A., M.Ed, L.C.S.W.

I have a decade of experience with adults, children, and families as a trauma-informed, holistic therapist. I work with individuals in the context of their childhood, attachment style, and past/current environments. I collaborate with her client to support the healing of anxiety, depression, self-esteem, cultural identity issues, relational issues, and trauma.


Faye Kouimelis

Dr. Faye Kouimelis, LLC; Two Trees Therapy Services
700 S Colorado Blvd, Suite 610-S
Denver, CO 80246

phone: 720-500-2062

I am and occupational therapist and in the process of getting my psychologist license. I have an mental health and developmental private practice in Wheat Ridge and in Denver/Glendale. I typically work with moderate to serve mental illness, development disabilities (Autism), intellectual disabilities, psychosis, and personality disorders. I do not take insurance but can provide out of network and offer a sliding fee scale.


Lucille arc Kramer

Noong street 18
london, nonn 11019

phone: 8506151418

Just for fun


Ellie Kraus

April Lyons Psychotherapy Boulder
2334 Broadway Suite B
Boulder, CO 80304

phone: 303-895-6058

Ellie received her Master's in Social Work from Columbia University in New York City. She specializes in eating disorders, PTSD, depression, anxiety, addiction, and life transitions. You will be welcomed into a non-judgmental space working from a holistic lens. Ellie utilizes a range of modalities such as EMDR, DBT, Motivational Interviewing, Positive Psychology, and Somatic Therapy.


Steven J Krautkramer, M.A.

Inner Sight Colorado LLC

phone: 720-939-9379

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Heal your past for the last time. Trauma and depression requires more than just talk. Most traditional talk therapies do not go deep enough. Relief comes but only lasts a short while. I use Somatic Experiencing and EMDR to reach the core of your being to create lasting change. This is because it works on the deepest past of your consciousness and nervous system. Once that is healed, then we can change the emotions and thought patterns.

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Marly (Marsha) L KRAVETZ, M.A., L.P.C., L.M.F.T.

80 Garden Center, Suite 118

phone: 720-432-6315

Seasoned with experience (30+ yrs.) and herbs, this therapist with CBT, Imago orientation and emotional support therapy doggies offers help and guidance for issues of trauma, life change & transition; grief & loss; anxiety, depression, stress, anger, & pain reduction. Laughter & tears are implemented and encouraged in the healing process !


Valery Krieg, L.C.S.W., M.S.W.

Evergreen Counseling and Wellness
2942 Evergreen Parkway
Evergreen, CO 80439

phone: (720) 779-2250

I help couples who struggle with conflict learn how to connect so they can stop fighting and start communicating. Whether you're committed to making your marriage work or on the fence about your future, you're in the right place. Building a strong relationship is challenging, and you're not alone. Starting with our first meeting, I'll help you develop the tools, skills, and understanding to heal. With 24/7 online scheduling, going to therapy is easier that it's ever been before. I see clients locally in Evergreen and online throughout Colorado. Schedule your no cost, no obligation consultation today at and start rebuilding your relationship. You don't have to wait to make things better. Get help now.


Kate Kripke, L.C.S.W.

The POstpartum Wellness Center/Boulder
2300 Canyon Blvd #5
Boulder, CO 80304

phone: 303-586-1564

The PWCB supports the mental health of women and their families. Specialties include perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, fertility/infertility, neonatal loss, adoption and third party reproduction, infant and child mental health, paternal mental health, couples support.


Kate Kripke, LCSW, L.C.S.W.

Prenatal & Postpartum Wellness Strategies
1244 Pine Street
Boulder, Colorado 80304

phone: 303-586-1564

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Kate specializes in reproductive mental health and the prevention and treatment of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders. She is also the Colorado State coordinator of Postpartum Support International. You can learn more at

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Lee Anderson Kulick, M.A.

190 East 9th Ave, Suite 250
Denver, CO 80203

phone: 303-506-6724

I believe in the inner wisdom and strength of each person, and seek to help clients uncover this in themselves while respecting their uniqueness. I work with individuals, families, couples, and infants/young children. I work with a variety of issues, such as depression & anxiety, self-esteem, and behavior concerns, but specialize in loss/change & grief, spirituality, LGBT issues (especially in families, parenting, and relationships), and child-parent relational issues.


Vickie J. Kulinski, L.C.S.W.

Autumn Skye Counseling, LLC
2008A W 120th Ave #5
Westminster, CO 80234

phone: 303-847-7042

Are you feeling down, are you going through or thinking about transitions in your life, are you struggling with relationships or happiness? Therapy may help. Psychotherapy aims to increase the sense of well-being and success in life. People often seek help during times of change as change can be difficult. Throughout life there are many times of transition. It can be helpful to have someone unbiased to help you understand your thoughts and feelings during these times of change or times of strong emotions. Everyone needs help from time to time. I provide individual therapy, regarding multiple topics such as, depression, adjustment, codependency, LGBTQ issues, parenting issues, childhood/family trauma, personal/emotional/spiritual growth, relationship issues, self-esteem problems.


Meredith Kurry, L.C.S.W.
80 Garden Center
Broomfield, CO 80020

phone: 720 231-7109

My web site address is

I have two office locations. My offices are located in Broomfield and via telehealth. I work with teenagers, adults, families, and couples, on a wide variety of issues.


Harmony Kwiker, M.A.

Integrated Health and Healing
308 W. Baseline Rd.
Lafayette, CO 80026

phone: 720 341 4014

Areas of specialty include working with clients to create congruency, optimal health, and empowerment to create a fulfilling experience of life. Using neuro-emotional technique (NET) and body-centered psychotherapy, this holistic approach to healing supports clients in the process of growing toward overall wellness and contentment.


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