"Nothingness at the Heart of Being." Keynote Address for the Society for Existential Analysis, 20th Anniversary Celebration. Regent's College, London. October 4, 2008."The Dream as an Existential Message: A Gestalt Dream Workshop." Workshop for the Society for Existential Analysis, 20th Anniversary Celebration. Regent's College, London. October 4, 2008.
"Gestalt Dream Work: Talk and Demonstration," Colorado Counseling Association, Longmont, CO, September 16, 2006.
Authenticity, the Nature of Reality and the Practice of Existential Psychotherapy. Paper presented to the centennial meeting of the North American Sartre Society, San Francisco, February 2005.
Sartres Concept of Authenticity and the Transformative Dialogue. Panel Discussion, International Federation of Psychoanalytic Education, Pasadena, California, November 2003.
Levels of Intervention in Group Therapy. Keynote Address, Colorado Group Psychotherapy Conference, Mental Health Center of Boulder County, Fall 2002.
Sartre and Psychoanalytic Space. International Federation of Psychoanalytic Education, Fort Lauderdale, FL., October 2002.
Sartre and Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Keynote Address, Royal Irish Academy, Conference on Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, April 25, 2002.
Sartre and Existential Psychoanalysis. Invited address for conference on Existential Psychology at Wagner College, New York (included Eugene Gendlin, William Richardson, Ernesto Spinelli & other notable existential psychologists), May 1, 1999.
Sartre's Usefulness to Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Chair's Concluding Address, North American Sartre Society, Emory University, Atlanta, October 1997.
A Sartrean Perspective on Psychoanalysis. Invited address at California State University at Chico, December 1996.
Sartre and Psychoanalysis. Invited address for Free Association: New School for Psychoanalysis, San Francisco, December 1996.
"Sartre's 'Look' and Object Relations Theory." Sartre Circle, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, New York, December 1995.
"Sartre and Psychoanalysis: Case Studies. American Philosophical Association, Western Division, Los Angeles, March 1994.
"The Temptation of Stasis: Sartre and Lacan on Language." North American Sartre Society, Peterborough, Ontario, Spring 1993.
"A Sartrean Perspective on Clinical Psychoanalysis." Invited lecture at Stockton State College, Stockton, New Jersey, October 1991.
"Sartre and Psychoanalysis." Invited lecture at Connecticut College, October 1991.
"A Sartrean Perspective on Existential Therapy." Invited lecture at Manhattanville College, October 1991.
"Existential Psychoanalysis and Personal Empowerment." Invited lecture at C.W. Post Campus, Long Island University, October 1991.
Speech for plenary session on Sartre and Psychoanalysis. North American Sartre Society, Dayton, OH, September 1991. (The Society devoted a plenary session to my book.)
"Sartre, Transcendence, and Education for Equality." North American Sartre Society, Boulder, April, 1990.
Critique of Frithjof Bergman's paper, "Sartre and the 'Poverty of Desire. American Philosophical Association, Western Division, Los Angeles, March 1990.
Critique of Stephen Laycock's paper on "Sartre and Buddhism." American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, March 1989.
"Praxis, Need and Desire in Sartre's Later Philosophy: An Addendum to Existential Psychoanalysis." North American Sartre Society, Pittsburgh, September 1988.
"Sartre's Critique of Dialectical Reason as an Epistemology for the Social Sciences." Colorado Colloquium on Social and Political Thought, Denver, January 1984.
"A Sartrean View of the Client-Therapist Relationship." Twelfth Annual Conference of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology in Monterey, California, July 1984.