Boulder Psychotherapy Institute

Advanced Training in Applied Existential Psychotherapy (AEP) — since 1989

An Experiential Psychodynamic Gestalt Approach   •   Boulder, Colorado

My Books and Chapters

Betty Cannon

Betty Cannon

Betty Cannon

Betty Cannon

Betty Cannon

Betty Cannon

Betty Cannon

Betty Cannon

Betty Cannon


Sartre and Psychoanalysis, Betty Cannon, University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, 1991

"In the Spirit of Play: Applied Existential Psychotherapy" by Betty Cannon, In Existential Therapy: Legacy, Vibrancy & Dialogue

Sartre: Key Concepts (Chapter by Betty Cannon: "Psychoanalysis & Existential Psychoanalysis"), ed. Steven Churchill and Jack Reynolds, Routledge, Oxford, 2017

Existential Therapy: Legacy, Vibrancy and Dialogue (Betty Cannon's Chapter: "Applied Existential Psychotherapy: An Experiential Psychodynamic Approach"), ed. Laura Barnett & Greg Madison, Routledge, London, 2012

Existential Perspectives on Relationship Therapy (Betty Cannon & Reed Lindberg's Chapter: "The Challenge of Being Yourself While Being Part of a Couples: Bad Faith and the Couple's Dilemma"), ed. Emmy van Deurzen & Susan Iacovou, Palgrave Press, London, 2013

The Edinburgh International Encyclopaedia of Psychoanalysis (Betty Cannon's Chapter: "Existential Psychoanalysis"), ed. Ross Skelton (B. Cannon section editor), Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2006

Understanding Experience: Psychotherapy and Postmodernism (Betty Cannon's Chapter: "Sartre's Contribution to Psychoanalysis"), ed. Roger Frie, Routledge, New York, 2003

Men's and Women's Liberation: Testimonies of Spirit (Betty Cannon's Chapter: "Sartre, Transcendence and Education for Equality"), ed. Haim Gordon, Leonard Grob, and Riffat Hassan, Greenwood Press, New York, 1991

New Perspectives on Sartre (Betty Cannon's Chapter: "Nothingness at the Heart of Being: Existential Psychoanalysis and Gestalt Therapy"), ed. Adrian Mirvish and Adrian van den Hoven, Cambridge Scholars Press, London, 2010

Education for Peace (Betty Cannon's Chapter: "Sartre's 'Demonic Double and Early Education for Peace"), ed. Haim Gordon, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, NY, 1987

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