Boulder Psychotherapy Institute

Advanced Training in Applied Existential Psychotherapy (AEP) — since 1989

An Experiential Psychodynamic Gestalt Approach   •   Boulder, Colorado

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Practice Groups

Practice Group is a place to sharpen your understanding of principles, practice your skills, and refine your techniques under the guidance of master therapists. Prior experience with AEP or Gestalt therapy is required. Practice Group is a place to:

  • Practice skills with other professionals.
  • Work on personal and professional issues in the safe context of a therapist group.
  • Role play clients to gain greater understanding of their issues and your own approach.
  • Gain a deeper understanding through immediate processing of your interventions.
  • Learn more about methods for recognizing and working with transference and countertransference - and moving toward authentic relatedness.
  • Practice working with defenses or boundary disturbances.
  • Gain more facility in working with nonverbal material and paying attention to process over content - and put this into practice.
  • Gain greater facility in deepening work to profound emotional states and family of origin issues.
  • Practice and learn more about experiential dream work.
  • Gain more creativity and ease in using AEP interventions.

Ongoing practice groups, which meet on various days and at various times, are taught by senior BPI faculty and staff. They have periodic openings for new members. Cost is $90 per 3-hour session. Groups meet once a month. Groups count toward AEP Advanced Certification requirements and may be used for Continuing Competency Credits for maintaining certain licenses in Colorado. See list of currently running groups below. (Groups give themselves animal or composer names in order to be able to find themselves easily on the BPI Student Calendar.)

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1140 Lehigh Street, Boulder, Colorado 80305  •  303-249-8840

© The Boulder Psychotherapy Institute. All rights reserved.