About Us
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The Boulder Psychotherapy Institute (BPI) has been training therapists and graduate students in Applied Existential Psychotherapy (AEP) and Gestalt Therapy since 1989. AEP interlaces the insights of contemporary existential and psychodynamic approaches with techniques inspired by Gestalt and other experiential therapies. Jungian and expressive arts orientations may be included in some workshops. Our faculty and staff also provide individual, couples and group therapy - and supervision. We have become a hub for therapist community building in the Boulder-Denver area.
We offer services to local therapists and the public. Our online Find a Local Therapist Directory matches therapists with clients. We publicize workshops, lectures and events on our Therapist Community Calendar. Our BPI Networking List allows over 1000 local therapists to share information and the public to pose questions about therapy and therapists. Our BPI Networking Party draws over 200 area therapists.

Diane Doe, CGT,CAEPT
Boulder Psychotherapy InstituteBoulder, CO
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Diane Doe, Boulder Psychotherapy Institute Teaching Staff Member, is a therapist involved in helping people change. She calls her model Diligent Self Care. Her work helps clients become more emotionally present to self and others and to engage in freer, more creative living.